So, the story is about a woman marrying a man with the same last name.

I enjoyed reading about Layla visiting the Caribbean island of Jamaica to find out more about her history and the explanation that the book gives for missing historical evidence in Jamaicas history. The fact that many Caribbean people cannot trace their ancestry past a certain period due to history being destroyed or lost. The protagonist is a teacher but the plot doesn’t really mention this fact apart from at the beginning and at the end.

Layla is coming to terms with the fact that his family used to own hers during the slave trade. The plot is really straightforward, there are no real twists that the reader isn’t aware of. Layla, the protagonist, is considering marrying Andy. The author does write Caribbean patois into the dialogue but it’s not the most authentic, in fact it’s a bit exaggerated. In fact, it would’ve been nicer if it had been done by a professional voice actor rather than the author herself.

In addition to this, the ending is slightly predictable and as the reader it is both easy to guess and mildly underwhelming.


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